Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Doctor is not a woman

Last night, in the UK, the penultimate episode of Doctor Who was aired. Thanks to social media, it was easy to see how it ended - someone actually put the last two minutes of the episode up on Youtube. I won't spoil it for people - though I would dearly, dearly love to know *right now* who the next Doctor is going to be!

Special interest groups have been agitating for a female Doctor or a black Doctor - to which I say, no.

The show's producers have already laid the groundwork for this pandering by turning The Master into a woman. And Michelle Gomez did a great job with the role (in what I've seen of it so far - I have yet to see this third season as Amazon Prime is charging for that. (You can watch all of "New Who" at Amazon Prime for free, except for the latest Capaldi season. I seem to remember that several years ago, when I had Prime for a brief while, "classic Who" was free - but now you have to pay for it. Since I've got all of Classic Who on VHS which I'm eventually going to convert to DVD, I didn't bother!)

But I digress.

with others have been from a male standpoint. Everyone in the universe knows him as male, and straight. Yes, we got a line in "The Husbands of River Song" that she's bisexual and has had wives as well as husbands, so I can't say, "How is he going to make love to River Song if he's a woman?" - the showrunner prepared for that nicely, didn't he!

But the Doctor's favorite planet is Earth, Earth has always been a patriarchy and, yeah, white males have always been in charge - throughout the Western world, anyway. Is the Doctor going to give up that advantage just because he decides to "choose me this face" because the face reminds him of all the prejudice that minorities have to put up with? (Remembering, by the way, that in Africa, whites are minorities, in North Korea the sane are minorities, in China whites are minorities, etc.)

Throughout all his incarnations the Doctor has been male, straight - and though he's been made to apparently fall in love with a couple of his companions in "new Who" they have always been women.

That's who the Doctor is.

If the showrunners really want to have a strong female Time Lady, create one. Have her be the companion to the Doctor for a year, and if she's popular, spin her off into her own show and let Doctor Who ride off into the sunset. If they want a black Time Lord, create a new character, have her be a companion to the Doctor for a year, and if she's popular (because producers will want to combine two minorities in one - a black and a woman) give her her own series, and let the Doctor fade away.

But do not change the Doctor into something he isn't!

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